
How Much Does It Cost To Have Your Kitchen Cabinets Painted

How Much Does Information technology Price to Paint Kitchen Cabinets?

The cost to pigment kitchen cabinets is the cheapest of all the kitchen cabinet renovation projects—if all you actually need is a chiffonier face-elevator. Expect to pay an average of $809, or between $395 and $1,234 for kitchen chiffonier painting.

Cost to Paint Kitchen Cabinets


  • Typical Range: $350 to $1,300
  • National Average: $809

Updating your kitchen cabinets is ane of the all-time ways to quickly meliorate the look and feel of an expanse where you lot likely spend a lot of fourth dimension. And depending on the surface and condition your cabinets are in, you don't take to replace them to achieve that goal. Repainting kitchen cabinets continues to exist ane of the most pop kitchen renovation projects that can exhale new life into your space and improve your home'southward value.

The cost to pigment kitchen cabinets is lower than yous might call up—certainly lower than replacing or even refacing them. On average, homeowners spend $809 to repaint the doors and cabinets in their kitchens, with a typical range of $395 to $i,234. This cost is primarily made up of labor but also includes supplies. If existing cabinets need a lot of piece of work to strip off poor surfaces before repainting, if lots of stop work is required, or if there are a lot of cabinets in a large kitchen, this cost could increase to an average of $7,000. These are the most common factors in determining the cost to paint kitchen cabinets, simply go along reading to discover more than nearly kitchen cabinet painting costs.

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Factors in Computing Cost to Paint Kitchen Cabinets

Paint comes in many colors and finishes, and some are college quality than others and will toll more. The supplies your project needs will also touch the cost, every bit will the overall surface surface area, layout, and full size of the kitchen cabinets you volition paint. And since painting kitchen cabinets is a labor-intensive chore, yous'll find that a lot of the price is wrapped up in labor fees. Here are the factors for how the cost to pigment kitchen cabinets is determined.

Paint Blazon and Quality

Different paints are made for different environments and visual furnishings. Some paints are extra glossy, simply they are more than expensive than flat or matte paint. The in-between option is an eggshell or satin paint that works on many surfaces, but it might non stand up to the heavy utilize of kitchen cabinets. Oil-based paints also get out a rich, brushed look and latex paints create a smoother cease. You'll also need to select the right primer for your forest and the paint you choose. A paint professional tin can help yous determine the all-time options for your needs.

Painting Method

As you prepare to paint kitchen cabinets, you'll need to decide how y'all want to pigment them. You can apply a brush, roller, or paint sprayer. Spraying is an efficient method that can get the task washed quickly and evenly—if the tool is used correctly. If your kitchen cabinets have grooves or recesses, and so using a brush is best for these catchy areas if you don't plan to spray paint, but you can switch to a roller for the larger flat surfaces. Whichever method you choose, yous'll demand to purchase the brushes, rollers, drop cloths, painter's record, paint pans, sanding materials or pigment strippers, primer, and paint that you'll need if y'all're DIY-ing the task. You lot'll probably pay between $200 and $600 for painting supplies. If you hire professional painters, they'll already have the supplies.

Surface Expanse and Chiffonier Design and Layout

It costs $3 to $10 per square pes to pigment kitchen cabinets, or an average of $30 to $threescore per linear foot, including labor, materials, and supplies. This does depend on the status of the cabinets and how much work is needed to remove doors and hardware. If you have standard kitchen cabinets (not oversize or inset with drinking glass), a painting contractor might quote you lot a price per door ($100), drawer ($25), and chiffonier ($75 to $150). Additionally, tricky or tight layouts with lots of corners volition increase the cost since it's fourth dimension-consuming to work in those areas.

Kitchen Size

The size of your kitchen correlates to the total expanse that determines your toll to paint kitchen cabinets. If you lot already know that you have a pocket-sized kitchen, the cost volition be on the lower end, just big kitchens with big cabinets will likely cost more than. Not but will yous need more paint, but yous'll also need more driblet cloths to protect the floor and countertops—and you'll need more than time.

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Are you lot going from a darker color to a lighter color? Your best bet is to sand or strip off the paint commencement, merely if yous're in a hurry to cover cabinets that are in good condition already, so at least use a primer to allow the lighter color to show upwards properly. Using a primer is essential to ensure the right shade of paint on any surface, and a primer helps the pigment adhere improve. You'll also pay more if you programme to utilise two paint colors to accent each other. Brand sure to speak to a paint professional to make sure you lot cull a color and blazon of paint that works on your surfaces. There isn't a specific paint for kitchen cabinets, but you demand to brand sure the way you cull works with your long-term needs and vision.

Condition of Cabinets

In some cases, erstwhile kitchen cabinets are in terrible shape: peeling paint, warped laminate, muddy surfaces, or croaky wood. Some cabinets cannot exist repainted in their electric current state and might require meaning effort to repair the wood to a usable condition. Be advised that damaged laminate should not be painted over until it has been repaired or refaced. In every case, hardware should exist removed and the sometime surface sanded or stripped before being primed so that the new paint coat tin can adhere properly. The more work that needs to be done, the more than it will cost to prepare the cabinets for painting.


The toll to paint kitchen cabinets includes a fair amount of labor fees. On average, kitchen chiffonier painters accuse $20 to $fifty per hour, depending on your location. Sometimes they'll cull to base of operations their rates on the full linear anxiety of the cabinets or charge by the door, drawer, and cabinet.

Cost to Paint Kitchen Cabinets


Boosted Costs and Considerations

Across the essential items that make upwards kitchen cabinet painting costs, there are a few additional considerations to assist you answer the question y'all might take of "How much do painters charge?" While every project will crave site preparation, some cabinets won't need refacing or repairs, so consider these following factors on a case-past-case basis.

Site Preparation and Primer

The level of site preparation and primer your project needs volition vary, especially if you've opted to spray paint the cabinets. Roofing every surface is essential to avoid unwanted paint stains on hardwood floors, countertops, sinks, appliances, or vents. This is even more true if you're using more one paint colour, as you'll have a second round of site training to cover the newly painted areas, likewise. And once more, using a primer as your base glaze is essential to ensuring a good bond and colour saturation for your preferred paint.

Removing Doors and Drawers

Part of the lengthy procedure of site preparation is also removing doors and drawers. It'southward difficult to properly paint these surfaces when they're all the same in identify. Removing them and their hardware allows yous or a pro to sand them improve and paint them more carefully. However, it does take some time, so you'll need to cistron in labor costs for this task.

Removing the Appliances

To get each cabinet surface prepped and painted, you might need to remove your appliances to access hard-to-reach surfaces. Unremarkably, this includes dishwashers or fridges. It tin can take several days to pigment kitchen cabinets, so plan for this situation.

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Repainting vs. Refacing

Repainting kitchen cabinets is a common job that can be done on many kinds of woods and some laminates, equally long equally they are in acceptable status and are sufficiently prepared. It's an easy mode to take existing cabinets and merely change the color or stain to update the appearance.

An alternative renovation choice is to reface your cabinets. This is helpful if yous want to update the exterior of the cabinets without having to pay for completely new cabinets—a more than expensive venture. Y'all tin can replace the doors completely or have new veneers professionally fastened to them. Ordinarily, this includes adding new hardware, which can likewise exist washed if yous're just repainting. Refacing cabinets is a common selection for homeowners who accept laminate cabinets in poor condition that can't exist repainted as is.

Reasons to Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets

It's not hard to find a reason to update your old kitchen cabinets with a fresh coat of paint. Possibly y'all've just bought an older dwelling house that needs some fixing upwards, or yous're looking to sell your firm and recognize the need to spruce upwardly the interior. Whatever the reason, updating the appearance of your kitchen cabinets to a timeless color scheme is an easy manner to boost your home'south value.

Outdated and Dirty Cabinets

As fresh and new equally your cabinets may have looked when they were initially installed, they might look wholly dated or covered in layers of dirt and grime from years of use. This is a top reason people should consider painting their cabinets. Cleaning them out, sanding off the old color or finish, and so adding fresh pigment and hardware can brand an one-time kitchen feel brand new. This is especially truthful if you switch to a lighter colour scheme, which has a way of making the space feel bigger, too.

A New, Refreshed, and Modern Look

Are you lot tired of the same old look? With dozens of renovation TV shows and plenty of blogging inspiration, it's easy to suddenly realize you're ready for a modify. Updating your cabinets with fresh paint and new hardware tin can completely revitalize an onetime, traditional space to a new, modern space with less try (and price) than a full renovation.

Added Value to Home

Since nigh of usa spend a fair amount of time gathered in kitchens filled with delightful aromas, having a space that looks and feels open and appealing tin really go a swell selling bespeak for your home. Painting kitchen cabinets to an updated, trendy color that even so blends with your existing countertops and floors is a cracking way to add value to your habitation. Many homeowners don't realize how important the appearance of a kitchen and its cabinets is to prospective home buyers. Spending a little money on this try volition become a long way toward making the house more bonny.

Cost-Efficient Culling to Remodeling

Remodeling your house is the fastest mode to increase its value, but it doesn't always fit the budget. A more than toll-effective and quicker method is to simply pigment your kitchen cabinets. If the task is done correctly, the paint can last—and look practiced—for years to come. Information technology's a minor investment up forepart that has long-term benefits for you and futurity homeowners.

Cost to Paint Kitchen Cabinets


Cost to Paint Kitchen Cabinets: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

In the long list of DIY projects homeowners have been known to tackle, painting kitchen cabinets seems like it would be near the top of the listing. It seems adequately straightforward to know how to paint kitchen cabinets. While information technology's certainly not the most complex task, and it doesn't require a lot of specialized equipment, information technology'south important to note that information technology takes much longer than you might call back. If you take 200 square feet worth of cabinets to pigment, you can look around 20 hours to fix and remove the finish, plus some other 15 to thirty hours for the actual priming, painting, refitting, and cleanup. It'south no small cede to have your kitchen largely unusable for several days in a row or more if you can't get it all done at once. Furthermore, though many DIY enthusiasts paint their own cabinets, it's a mutual mistake to gear up the cabinets inadequately. Missing this step, or doing it improperly, can prevent your paint from lasting a long time.

Hiring kitchen cabinet professionals offers numerous benefits for busy homeowners. The first is that they tin transport a team of laborers to work all day on the chore so it tin exist completed in fewer days. That means your kitchen is disrupted for a much shorter period, letting yous become back to enjoying it sooner. Professionals are besides well prepared to properly protect the residual of your kitchen, choose the right supplies to remove the terminate, prime number the cabinets, then paint them. Y'all can as well rely on their expertise to aid yous choose suitable stains, colors, and types of pigment for the look you want to achieve. If you have an average-size kitchen, the price to pigment kitchen cabinets is much lower than any kitchen renovation project. Spending the coin on professionals who tin ensure the cabinets last a long time can be a wise investment that saves yous fourth dimension and coin in the long run.

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How to Relieve Money on Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Don't let the cost of painting kitchen cabinets sway you from hiring professionals. There are several ways you lot can save coin on this fun project.

  • Accurately calculate how much area you'll need painted to avert overestimating how much paint you'll need.
  • Ask a professional if your cabinets can handle using a paint with primer included or if your situation volition work best with a split primer.
  • If you accept an old tarp or old bedsheets, they tin work as drop cloths. (When hiring a professional person, you won't have to worry about providing things like drop cloths.)
  • Use the paint that works for your budget and your vision. An ultra high-gloss paint might not be necessary if you're going for a muted look.
  • At the same time, exist willing to spend a little extra on good quality pigment that will last longer than a year or two.
  • Follow paint companies on social media where they advertise upcoming sales.
  • Remove the cabinet doors and drawers yourself to save on time and labor.
  • Ask for a quote on the hardware y'all might choose to update. The company may have access to wholesale pricing, or you might discover it on sale at a local hardware store.
  • If you're also considering having some rooms painted, ask if at that place is a discount for booking both jobs at the aforementioned time.

Cost to Paint Kitchen Cabinets


Questions to Ask About Painting Kitchen Cabinets

At that place are lots of tips to know about painting kitchen cabinets so you tin have the best possible outcome. Utilise the following questions to help narrow down your research for a company that is qualified to handle your project.

Virtually the visitor:

  • How long has your company been in business?
  • Practice yous specialize in painting kitchen cabinets?
  • Do you have a portfolio of work I can review?
  • Tin can I speak with any references?
  • Who will be doing the work?
  • Will there be more than than one employee?
  • Do you charge by linear foot or by the door and cabinet?
  • Can I review an itemized estimate?

Most the chore:

  • What types of paints practise yous employ and recommend for my kitchen?
  • What are the steps yous'll accept to complete this unabridged project?
  • How much prep piece of work will my cabinets require?
  • Will you number the doors and drawers so they are replaced correctly?
  • What kind of training should I exercise before yous go far?
  • What painting method practise yous recommend to achieve the await I desire?
  • What if some cabinets or drawers need small repairs?
  • How long will the job take?
  • Will I have any access to my appliances during the painting procedure?
  • What if you lot run out of paint? How will you ensure the 2d batch is an exact match?
  • Volition you lot finish with a top coat?
  • Is your work guaranteed or warrantied?
  • Is there annihilation I should exercise to assist maintain the cabinets?

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Choosing the right pigment color and hardware and gauging how much time and effort is needed for this time-consuming project can be daunting. Only having equally much information as possible can help alleviate concerns or questions yous might have near the process. The answers to these frequently asked questions can help.

Q. Is it worth information technology to pigment kitchen cabinets?

Almost without exception, yep, it is. In some instances where the cabinets are too damaged to be repainted, or you lot'd rather update the cabinets or the layout of the kitchen, so y'all'd need to await at replacing them instead. Otherwise, the cost to paint kitchen cabinets and update to a fresh, archetype, or trending appearance is well worth information technology. Updating your kitchen is i of the most rewarding means to see an increase in your home's value.

Q. How much does information technology toll to have cabinets professionally painted?

On average, it costs $809 to paint cabinets professionally. The typical range is $395 to $ane,234, but the cost can also exceed this if information technology's a large kitchen or extensive prep work is needed to be able to paint erstwhile cabinets. The size of your kitchen, the surface surface area of your cabinets, the type of paint yous choose, and local labor rates all influence your total price.

Q. Is it hard to paint cabinets?

The painting process itself is not difficult. It's too not the most time-consuming part. The biggest claiming is preparing the cabinets for the new pigment to concluding for a long time and look great. The cabinets must be cleaned, sanded or stripped, doors and drawers removed, hardware taped or removed, and all surfaces protected. Improperly preparing your cabinets for new paint is the biggest mistake that people make when trying to DIY this multiday job.

Q. Is it better to spray or paint kitchen cabinets?

Information technology depends on the look you're going for. If y'all like the rich texture an oil-based paint applied with a brush leaves behind, then your best bet is to have them manus-painted. Spray painting is an efficient way to evenly spray paint on any surface, fifty-fifty if it has grooves. You only need to make certain that the professional is comfortable using the spray painter and that you're using the all-time paint to achieve the shine outcome you want. It can be messier to spray pigment cabinets, so ask if they will cover the entire kitchen or spray them outside in a protected expanse.

Q. Do I need to add together a protective seal to cabinets subsequently painting?

More often than not, yes, it's recommended to add a protective seal to your kitchen cabinets. You lot've merely invested in a quality project, and the best way to protect that investment over time is to seal the paint. Kitchen cabinets feel a lot more apply and abuse than a plain erstwhile wall does, and then protecting it from food, grease, dings, cuts, and liquids is a wise idea.

Sources: HomeAdvisor, Thumbtack, Homeserve, HomeGuide

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